David Lenderyou

David Lenderyou was brought up in Cornwall with his Father being from Falmouth and his Mother from Palmers Green, bless her. Maybe it was while dancing in the Hal an Tow (Pre & Aft Floral Dance) and dressing up as a merry man having to wear his Mums tights at the age of twelve that his life began to take shape. Life has many challenges and maintaining that inner spirit will help keep you on the path. 

In the year 1705, the rich and arrogant Philip de Albret, has dared to plant sleepers deep into a Cornish village. Once accepted and trusted by the locals they can then get on with their plans and, once achieved, get out and get paid. Their aim is deadly and will devastate the local community of hard working and innocent families but gain much notoriety and wealth for the proud Albret. Joshua and Rebecca, inexperienced and unbeknown to each other are brought together.

Cornish Mist Trilogy