Going on Holiday
The website administration team are going on holiday to Cornwall. Branch reports for July/August & September will be uploaded in October, when normal service will be resumed.
Helford Village
Christchurch Branch - 8 June 2024
It was a small gathering at the June meeting due to a number of apologies through illness. Jeanette read the Presidents report in which Judy talked of her tracing her genealogy which happened to be the topic of our very own guest speaker Barbara.
For 26 years Barbara worked at a Christchurch City Council library and her forte was helping people with the search for their ancestors. (Personally she had been able to go back to 1105 in her family). Barbara still offers this service at a local library on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays.
Don then spoke about two of his many favourite villages in Cornwall - Helford and Lerryn
We had the news from Cornwall, interesting hearing about Helston's Beating the Bounds tradition.
Les read a poem by Ken Bowden 'I'm proud to be Cornish' which was read out at his funeral - very touching.
We drew the raffle and had afternoon tea. It was a lovely afternoon.
Les & Jeanette enjoying afternoon tea
Hawkes Bay Branch - 6 June 2024
The Hawkes Bay Cornish group had a lunch at Jarks in Hastings with 25 members attending. A lovely lunch was enjoyed by all in a quiet room away from the noise and an ideal location to speak about our favourite memories of Cornwall and read the message from the NZ Cornish Association president Judy Wright. The newly designed association badge has proved really popular with our group and 15 badges were sold. We look forward to receiving some more in the post for our next meeting in July.
Hawkes Bay members showing off their new membership badges
Jarks in Hasting proved a popular location for the June meeting
Taranaki Branch - 25 May 2024
Fifteen members attended the quarterly meeting of the Taranaki branch on a cold and wet day. The message from the association president, Judy Wright was read out and generated a lot of discussion from members on the places and Cornish festivals mentioned.
Memories and changes of topic flowed freely on “how things have changed” – family holidays, fashion, banking, social activities, life growing up. Hopefully we all learnt something new about each other.
Our new association badge has proved popular with members and all 10 badges sent by Nick, our association secretary has been sold, and 6 more have been ordered.
Afternoon tea always seems to be a treat for everyone as it was again at the meeting. Our venue at the Telford Retirement Village, really accommodates our needs well.
Newly designed NZ Cornish Association badge available for branch members to purchase for $12.00
Christchurch Branch - 11 May 2024
With frosty conditions reported during the week, thankfully Saturday was a nice day and 13 people attended our meeting with 5 apologies received. Jeanette read the NZ Cornish association president's report and pointed out that the new badges have been delivered and are now available to purchase for $12.00.
Two famous Cornish festivals took place in the lead up to our association meeting – Padstow Obby Oss Day (May 1st) and Helston Flora Day (May 8th)
Heather then gave us a short background to Padstow Obby Oss Day and the Flora Dance and we watched a short video from this year’s Flora Day procession in Helston.
Our monthly Cornish song segment, led by Heather is always popular. This month there were two – Home for Flora and The Morning Song, both new to us all.
Heather then read Les's Legend, always a very interesting part of the meeting. This time it was about Mary Newman who married Sir Francis Drake on 4th July 1569. She was born in Saltash in 1552 (or thereabouts the exact date is unknown) They didn't have any children and sadly she died at the age of 30.
We watched the news from Cornwall, followed by a “Getting to Know You” quiz prepared by Celia. A great idea: questions within squares on a page to see how much we know about each other. Initially we had several names in each square but the idea was to whittle it down to one. It proved to be very entertaining.
The meeting finished with a raffle and afternoon tea.
Wonderful location with 100% uninterrupted views
Hawkes Bay Branch - 18 April 2024
The Hawkes Bay Cornish Association gathered for their lunchtime meeting at the East Pier in Napier. Situated on the waterfront in Napier’s historic port area of Ahuriri.
The theme of the meeting was “our ancestors” and after lunch a number of members shared their story.
The message from the NZ Cornish Association president, Judy Wright was handed out and she participated on the theme with an article about her Cornish ancestors and her journey to find this information.
Do you ever wonder who your ancestors were?
Marlene talked about her ancestors on Norfolk Island
Christchurch Branch - 13 April 2024
Fourteen members attended the meeting held at St Paul's, Papanui. We watched the News from Cornwall and enjoyed another of Les's Cornish Legends, read by Heather about the Kenidjack Witch from Pendeen.
"Getting to know our members" took on a historical theme. Marlene Smith has undergone detailed research into her family history, even going to the UK to access records. Convicts, transportation, Norfolk island, Hokitika, horse stealing were just some the many fascinating facts and dates shared with us.
Another member, Don Hillier also gave a brief history of a relative deported to Tasmania. The audience was totally captivated by both of these accounts.
The afternoon ended with the usual afternoon tea and raffle.
The photo book produced by Barbara recording the various activities at the Christchurch branch during 2023
Don recounting his story of Tasmania
Les showing off his raffle prize win
Christchurch Branch - 9 March 2024
Fourteen members attended the meeting on Saturday. Jeanette our branch president welcomed everyone, and we joined together in our monthly sing along with “Cornwall My Home.”
The meeting started with the AGM. Jeanette (President) Mikki (Treasurer) and Sharron (Secretary) all agreed to continue for another year, along with the members of the existing committee.
With the formal proceedings out of the way, we listened to Joyce Doney the fourth of our long-standing members to take part in the “getting to know our members.”
Regular monthly items were enjoyed, news from Cornwall, national president's message and the singing of happy birthday in Cornish for those celebrating in March.
With the meeting following on from Cornwall’s National Day – St Piran’s Day (5th March) Les produced some background on St Piran, the patron saint of Cornwall that was read by Heather. This was followed by a short film clip.
The branch members also enjoyed looking at a beautiful photo book produced by Barbara, showcasing events at the branch meetings over the last year. A wonderful record of the variety in the monthly programmes that have been enjoyed by all.
The meeting ended with the usual afternoon tea and raffle.
Les, photographed cutting the cake made especially to celebrate St Piran. The fruit cake, made by Celia is a traditional "Penzance Cake" The recipe can be found on the internet.
The formal part of the meeting, the AGM
Joyce sharing her interesting life stories and Cornish connection.
Our Christchurch bards of the Gorsedh Kernow, Heather and Les, telling the story of St Piran.
From 1841–42 the planned settlement by the Plymouth Company brought 868 immigrants from Devon and Cornwall in England to the ‘New‘ Plymouth.
The Cornish Contribution
The Cornish, with their Celtic origins, were one of the few groups of English migrants to make a distinctive contribution to New Zealand. Cornish farmers (often miners as well) brought skills in the reclamation of waste land, farm management, and the use and adaptation of farm machinery. Cornish dairymaids contributed experience in an industry of major importance to the colony. With the Cornish came traditional foods (such as fruit cake and pasties), sports and pastimes (notably wrestling), a deep interest in the temperance movement, and the independence and individualism associated with Wesleyan Methodism.
The Taranaki Cornish Association is open to anyone with Cornish connections or just an overall interest in Cornwall.
Taranaki Branch Celebrates St Piran's Day - 5 March 2024
At the AGM of the Taranaki branch held in February, a suggestion was made by Bernice Wood to approach the New Plymouth and South Taranaki Councils to see if they would fly the Cornish flag on Tuesday 5 March to celebrate St Piran’s Day.
Branch Secretary Carol Cowling followed this up with a letter highlighting that there are many Cornish descendants in the community, and how proud they are of the early arrivals resilience and hard work in helping to establish the settlement of New Plymouth. A flag was also offered to the Council to use on the day.
Great news – the Council were happy to acknowledge the Cornish National Day and the flag of St Piran was proudly flying from the New Plymouth District Council Offices.
The South Taranaki District Council also agreed to light the Hawere Water Tower. They googled the Cornish colours and came up with gold and black. Consulting with the Taranaki Branch, gold was the chosen colour. From Monday to Wednesday of that week the lights were shining gold, it was quite spectacular.
Photo supplied by Trevor Moore
The tower is open to climb daily (with the exception of Christmas Day) between 8.30am - 4.30pm on weekdays and 10am - 2.30pm on weekends and public holidays. Gain entry by heading into the South Taranaki isite Visitor Centre which is located right beside the water tower, on High Street.
Hawkes Bay Branch - 29 February 2024
21 members of the branch attended the February meeting at Hygge Café at Clifton Bay on the Cape Coast. A wonderful setting for a Cornish gathering with sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean and Cape Kidnappers as the backdrop. Clifton Bay also boasts the beautiful Clifton Homestead, home to the Gordon family.
Cornwall maps were handed out to members as well as the message from the NZ Cornish association president, Judy Wright. Memories and favourite places in Cornwall were related and destinations checked out on the map.
Hygee (pronounced “Hue-guh), Danish for “What is good in life”.
Clifton Homestead
There was smaller than usual attendance due to holidays, moving home and illness of some of the members
Taranaki Branch - 24 February 2024
The Taranaki branch held their first meeting of the year that coincided with their AGM.
Our National President, Judy Wright provided a report which was read to those present and was circulated via email to those with computer access. There was also a PowerPoint presentation of news from Cornwall provided by Judy. As always, our members were most appreciative of this communication.
A minute’s silence was held in memory of Dennis Simpson who passed away 29 December 2023.
Minutes of the previous AGM meeting were read and confirmed. The Taranaki presidents report was read by Carol Cowling (branch secretary/treasurer) on behalf of Elaine James who was unable to attend.
Thanks go to Elaine and Carol for continuing in their role for another year and welcome to Terry Heese who has agreed to take on the role of vice president. Thanks also go to Anne, Noeline, Jill and Ellen for their continued support as committee members.
The meeting concluded 3.00 pm and was followed by afternoon tea.
Christchurch Branch - 10 February 2024
Fifteen members attended the first meeting of 2024.
Our monthly Cornish singalong, led by Heather, is very much looked forward too. We sang “Johnny Bucca” and it was lovely to hear the history behind this song and we finished with Camborne Hill. This Cornish song celebrates Richard Trevithick's historic steam engine ride up Camborne Hill.
News from the president of the NZ Cornish Association was shared and we watched the News from Cornwall presentation that is always a popular segment of the meeting.
Four members celebrated their birthday in January/February and we sang happy birthday in Cornish.
The rest of the meeting was spent participating in Celia’s Cornish quiz with a difference. She had several photographs that her father had taken on trips to Cornwall in the 1980’s. She put these on large sheets of paper and we were divided up into two groups where we had to guess the locality on each sheet. The competition was quite serious, however there was a lot of laughs and noise - thoroughly enjoyable.
This was followed up by the drawing of the raffle and as usual a lovely
afternoon tea.
One of the groups studying those 1980's photographs of Cornwall - can you guess where this Cornish town is?
Forrabury Church
Les Mitchell shared the folktale from Boscastle of the Bells of Forrabury
Hawkes Bay Branch - 18 January 2024
Lunch was enjoyed at the Puketapu pub by fifteen members of the Hawkes Bay branch. The pub has undergone extensive renovation after flood waters rushed through the pub when Cyclone Gabrielle hit the Hawkes Bay in February 2023.
The message from the president of the NZ Cornish Association was handed out for people to read, and a number of members spoke about something special which they experienced over the Christmas.
With a number of lovely suitable venues here in the Hawkes Bay, we look forward to spending time together in 2024 to celebrate the unique heritage of Cornwall.
Winners of the Silent Bottle Auction L-R, Adrienne, Jeanette, Lynn & Celia
Enjoying the festivities L-R Celia, Robyn, Jan, Jeanette, Barbara & Nadine (our honorary member)
A big thank you to our tea ladies - Adrienne and Jennie (pictured here) for all the work undertaken in the kitchen this year.
Christchurch Branch - 9 December 2023
Fifteen members and one visitor attended the final meeting for 2023. Our numbers were slightly down due to some Covid still lurking, along with other bugs. We began by remembering our two members who have recently passed.
Dorothy Drew - Dorothy has been a member for over 50 years and a truly loyal and respected member. Her memorial service was well attended, and our branch were invited to speak.
A few days later Olwyn King. Olwyn was also in her 90’s and her husband, the late David King have been members for well over 40 years. David was well known for finding out interesting facts from very old Cornish books and he had a regular “spot” at our meetings which he continues right up until his voice could no longer be heard. Instead of a period of silence Heather sang “Cornwall my Home” which was so lovely some of our members were visibly moved. Rest in peace dear friends.
Another of our members in her late 80’s Margaret Swanney is moving into a care facility in Palmerston North to be close to her daughters. Another “old faithful” who will be sadly missed.
The members enjoyed the afternoons musical programme put together by Heather and assisted by Nadine, our honorary member. It included carols and a number of solo’s by Nadine that included “Hallelujah “always a tear jerker!! A member was heard to remark that our singing has improved since we started learning new Cornish songs at our monthly meetings.
A quiz set by Celia kept everyone on their toes with her Cornish questions.
Earlier in the year it was suggested we have a Silent Bottle Auction as a fundraiser. Barbara has been receiving bottles at each meeting and she had a wonderful collection which were packed and sealed so we didn’t have a clue what we were bidding for. It was very successful indeed and people were happy to participate.
In the absence of men who were unwilling to be “Santa” our member Joyce happily donned the coat and hat - a first time for everything, she was assisted by chief elf Barbara.
Our Christmas cake was cut by Bruce Moore, again a long-time member, followed by a delicious afternoon tea to finish up a lovely afternoon.
OBI the singing waiter
Taranaki Branch - 9 December 2023
17 members enjoyed an early Christmas get together at Cobb & Co for lunch. Lots of laughter, sharing stories of festive season plans made for a fun afternoon. There was no formal business to discuss, restaurants are not always a good location for that with the background noise. Everyone was talking too much anyway.
OBI, the robot waiter, sang Happy Birthday to one member who celebrated their birthday on the day and was delighted to be gifted her main meal by the restaurant.
Our very best wishes to everyone for a happy, safe and not too indulged festive season.
Hawkes Bay Branch - 16 November 2023
The Thirsty Whale in Napier welcomed 28 members of the Hawkes Bay Cornish Association who enjoyed their final social gathering for 2023 with a lovely lunch, and a Cornish quiz.
The new badge designs for the NZ Cornish Association were also on the agenda for discussion and 21 voting forms were completed and sent onto the national secretary for inclusion in the overall count.
The association in Hawkes Bay has grown to 40 members, and although not actively seeking more, no new members will be turned away. The next outing/lunch is planned for the 16 January 2024.
Members looking forward to their lunch at the Thirsty Whale
Which of these designs will be the eventual winner?
Heads down, thinking caps on for the quiz
To help with the quiz answers a map of Cornwall was provided
Members enjoying the talk by guest speaker, Philip Rodda
Philip used a number of photo images to accompany his talk. This one depicts meeting the late Queen Elizabeth at the Royal Cornwall Show
Christchurch Branch - 11 November 2023
Guest speaker from Cornwall, Philip Rodda, the retired chairman of the famous Rodda’s clotted cream and his wife Caroline were welcomed by 23 people at this month’s branch meeting. It was also good to welcome back members when illness had previously prevented them from attending. Philip and Caroline had previously attended the Cornish Association meeting in Taranaki in October and had now arrived in Christchurch on their tour of New Zealand.
The meeting started with Heather leading us in a robust rendition of Sweet Nightingale, before Philip was formally introduced.
Philip showed a video documentary made in 1998 about Rodda's clotted cream. It was very informative, starting right at the beginning in 1890 when Eliza Rodda first started making Cornish clotted cream in her farmhouse kitchen in Scorrier, near Redruth. Through to it being “exported” by train up to London in the 1920’s from their local rail station. War interrupted production between 1930 - 1953 until rationing ended. Between 1953 and 1960 they also produced turkeys which they fed the skimmed milk too. Once the UK became part of the European Union, they either had to go into the turkey business on a much bigger scale or cease. It was decided it was not viable to continue.
Rodda’s is now considered the most loved Cornish clotted cream brand in the world. They are the largest commercial producer in the United Kingdom. Some of the countries who currently enjoy regular supplies of cream include: Dubai, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, Madeira, Malaysia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Tenerife and Hong Kong.
Thank you to Philip and Caroline we thoroughly enjoyed your visit.
Our national secretary Nick Barton, visiting from Wellington, gave an update on the new badge designs up for consideration for the NZ Cornish Association. Members of the association have been encouraged to vote on their favourite. Here in Christchurch the current badge design came out on top.
The meeting finished with the singing of Trelawney, the ever-popular raffle, and a plentiful afternoon tea.
Christchurch Committee members welcoming Philip and Caroline Rodda to Christchurch over an enjoyable lunch at Colombus Cafe.
L to R
Mikki Michelson, Jeanette Beaumont, Adrienne Parton, Jennie Goodman, Barbara Reed, Caroline Rodda, Philip Rodda & Heather Gladstone.
Members and guests enjoying the afternoon tea and catching up with friends
Taranaki Branch - 28 October 2023
Mr Philip Rodda retired chairman of the famous Rodda’s clotted cream and his wife Caroline, took time out to visit the Taranaki Cornish Association while on holiday in New Zealand. A good attendance of members listened to Philip give a talk accompanied by two video clips of the family business of clotted cream and raising turkeys on the skim milk during the recession times. He gave an excellent presentation using A3 size photo images to keep the history flowing through the generations.
He was pleased to hear that we made our own clotted cream and that it was available to taste as part of our afternoon tea. Not sure if he was brave enough to taste if though.
Philip donated several gifts - Rodda’s tea towels, tote bags and recipe cards to the branch that we used as raffle prizes – with some still to be used at future meetings.
It was a lovely meeting, and many members were interested in talking to him.
Philip and Caroline will be visiting the Christchurch Cornish Association on 11 November.
Our guest speaker, Philip Rodda from Cornwall
Hawkes Bay Branch - 28 September 2023
On the 28th September, 15 of our members drove through lovely countryside to Gwavas Homestead.
We were met by Cornish association members Stuart and Phyllida Gibson who are the owners of this beautiful homestead. Phyllida is the granddaughter of Olga Hudson, daughter of Authur Spry Gwavas Carlyon, second eldest son of Major George Gwavas Carlyon.
Major George Gwavas Carlyon, Eton scholar and veteran of the Crimean war, left his family home in Cornwall in 1856 and with his wife Mary set sail for New Zealand and bought the Gwavas Homestead and extensive farm.
On a wonderful spring day, we were given a guided tour through the garden and grounds by Stuart. It is a beautiful woodland garden based on the Cornish family home of Tregreham, where the Carlyons have lived for 500 years. Stuart pointed out that many trees and shrubs were planted in the 1800’s and has an extensive knowledge of all their names. The members then enjoyed lunch in the lovely homestead and had a walk-through of the property.
It was a wonderful Cornish trip and new members Jo Trewhella, Margaret Fraser and Adrienne Farrell joined our lovely group for the first time.
Members arriving to enjoy the afternoons programme.
Adrienne shares her trip to Russia and East Berlin in 1972
Christchurch Branch - 9 September 2023
14 members met on a beautiful summer's day. Jeanette the branch president welcomed everyone and read the monthly message from the national president.
The usual Cornish themed items were enjoyed by all – a Cornish legend, News from Cornwall, Cornish sing song led by Heather. This month it was the “Cornish smugglers song” which was enjoyed by all.
Two members of the branch then shared their travel experiences - Adrienne Parton on her trip to Russia, including going into East Berlin in 1972. The conditions that people were living in were an eye opener for a “well off” NZ girl. Dorothy Drew then shared a portion of her trip in 1978 traveling across Canada and part of America en route to the UK.
The raffle always a favourite part of the afternoon was drawn and then happy birthday was sung in Cornish to Jennie and Olywn before enjoying afternoon tea.
Jennie setting up the afternoon tea table. Lovely to see the St Piran Flags and the daffodils - spring is here!!
Happy birthday (Penn-bloodh Lowen) to Jennie and Olywn
Hawkes Bay Group - 17 August 2023
The Hawkes Bay group has been steadily growing in numbers since it first lunch gathering in March. It now has 34 members, and 22 of those attended their lunch meeting at the National Service Club in Hastings. The theme for the meeting was “who they know/or had known in Cornwall, a subject that certainly created some discussion. The message from the president of the NZ Cornish Association was read to those attending and was well received.
High lighting a couple of members, Malcolm Bourgaize recently visited Falmouth, where he took a keen interest in the yacht regatta. He is a yachtsman and built yachts and small boats as a living in Guernsey and Auckland.
Sheryl is researching her family the Trengroves and would love to find a relation in New Zealand.
The groups next outing is Thursday 28 September. A lunch plus garden and house tour of Gwavas Garden Homestead. This homestead has a strong Cornish connection built in 1890. If you are interested in joining the Hawkes Bay Cornish group, please contact Paddy and Richard Bayley - email:
A very attentive audience
Guest speaker Anne McGill
Taranaki Branch - 12 August 2023
Our guest speaker, Anne McGill led us on a journey of family stories and experiences of the arrival and early lives of our Cornish ancestors.
Terry Hease also shared his experiences of a visit to Cornwall and his family's immigration to NZ. The family were and still are very active in the Salvation Army, so he was able to share some of that history as well.
Both talks encouraged a lively discussion and prompted members to participate and ask questions of each other. So much so, that it was most unusual not to have everyone rushing to get their afternoon tea!!
Christchurch Branch - 12 August 2023
Enjoying popcorn and ice cream, the members of the Christchurch branch enjoyed watching the film screening of Saving Grace, a British comedy film, made in 2000, starring Brenda Blethyn and Craig Ferguson. Set in Cornwall, the film tells the story of a middle aged widow whose irresponsible husband left her in an enormous debt, forcing her to grow cannabis in her greenhouse along with her gardener Matthew to avoid losing her house. It was filmed in the villages of Boscastle, St Tudy and Port Isaac.
Other well-known films with scenes in Port Issac include, The Shell Seekers (1989) Oscar and Lucinda (1997) Fisherman’s Friends (2019, 2022)
Dorothy Drew, talking about her life stories and Cornish connection
Dorothy pictured wearing her Paul Smales Medallion
Christchurch Branch - 8 July 2023
Several members were unable to attend this month due to the very cold wet day and winter ailments of which there are plenty at present, leaving us with only 11 brave souls.
Our monthly programme included a good variety of entertainment. Our usual singing segment included a new song “The Last Shanty", Les provided “A Smugglers Tale” read by Heather and we enjoyed a short video produced by English Heritage on the construction of the footbridge at Tintagel Castle which has reunited the mainland and headland of Tintagel for the first time in 500 years.
Getting to know our members continued this month with our oldest member 96-year-old Dorothy Drew. She talked about her life stories and Cornish connection. In 2016 Gorsedh Kernow awarded Dorothy the Paul Smales Medallion. This is awarded annually at the Gorsedh to someone living outside Cornwall who has given notable service to the county.
The meeting finished up with another one of Celia’s quizzes.
Mikki and Heather taking part in the quiz and the eventual winners.
Jeanette, reading the national president's monthly message in front of this magnificent back drop of the Crown Engine Houses of the Botallack Mine at the spectacular South West coast of Cornwall.
Footbridge at Tintagel Castle
Mikki Michelson & Bruce Moore
A programme full of interesting items to entertain the members.
Christchurch Branch - 10 June 2023
14 members attended the branch meeting on a cold afternoon in Christchurch.
We had our regular News from Cornwall slot with articles and pictures plus an update of events going on in Cornwall for June: - Royal Cornwall Agricultural Show, Murdoch Day in Redruth, Falmouth International Shanty Festival and Golowan Festival, Penzance
We learned a fun new Cornish song “Jolly Jim Bucca” to add to the ever-growing repertoire and enjoyed two Cornish stories read by Heather “The Pisky Who Lost His Laugh and “The Pisky Thresher". Our thanks to Les for providing these.
Finally, we had a “getting to know our members” session. We see people every month at our branch meeting but what do we really know about them? Mikki Michelson and Bruce Moore were happy to take questions and to talk about their lives and where they came from. This was enjoyed by all and is something we would like to continue in future meetings. The meeting finished with the raffle draw and afternoon tea.
Cornish Pisky stories read by Heather
The Midday Dance - There is one thing that sets the Midday Dance apart, the outfits. The women are all beautifully dressed in long and fantastical dresses, the gentlemen in suit, tails, and a top hat.
Christchurch Branch - 13 May 2023
Its May month and the Christchurch branch couldn’t let the occasion go by without a rendition of the Helston Floral Dance song.
The most famous furry dance takes place in Helston at the beginning of May to celebrate the arrival of spring to Cornwall. A series of dances are performed throughout the day.
On this occasion only two members of the branch were game to dance, both, (I quote from the branch report) with arthritic knees but happy to make fools of themselves.
Under the guidance of Heather, a popular segment of the monthly meeting has been learning a new Cornish song. With the singing led by Nadine and accompanied by Heather on the accordion, the branch members enjoyed going through their Cornish repertoire – who doesn’t enjoy a good old sing song!!
Also included in the programme was a Cornish quiz – thanks to branch member Celia who set the questions. The ever popular “News from Cornwall” and another in the collection of Cornish legends supplied by Les and read by Heather. A busy and entertaining meeting, finishing with the raffle draw and afternoon tea.
Entertaining members with the Floral Dance are Nadine on tuba and Heather on the accordion.
Branch president Jeanette reading the monthly updates.
Biennial General Meeting
New Plymouth
Saturday 13 May 2023
Thanks must go to the Taranaki branch for organising and hosting this meeting. Their hospitality and warm welcome are typical of our Cornish heritage. As usual a wonderful spread of food was provided, including Cornish pasties. After the official business got out of the way, entertainment included a couple of presentations by the Cornish Association president, Judy Wright and musical entertainment was provided by Peter Garvin who sang a number of well know Cornish songs including, Sweet Nightingale, Padstow May Song and The White Rose. Songs that got those attending, foot tapping and singing along.
For those of you who are not familiar with these Cornish folk songs. Please enjoy these videos.
Sweet Nightingale, sung by the Aurora Voices of the Burnside High School, Christchurch, New Zealand - Link
Padstow May Song, sung by British folk-rock band Steelye Span - Link
The White Rose, sung by the Newquay Male Voice choir - Link
These wonderful Cornish "One and All " sweat shirts worn by Lynne and Gerald certainly made an impact with everyone.
If you are interested in purchasing your own sweatshirt or other Cornish gifts, books, music, clothing, St. Piran flags and jewellery they can be found at - Link
Clive is a small town, 10kms from the city centre of both Napier and Hastings in the Hawkes Bay.
Pictured next to one of his many cameras is the host, Colin.
Hawkes Bay - 4 May 2023
The Cornish gathering in Hawkes Bay have once again been out and about. Nineteen NZ Cornish Association members recently met at the home of association member Colin Trevelyan in Clive.
Colin, whose ancestors came to New Zealand in 1875, has collected and curated a wonderful museum of cameras, photographic memorabilia, hospital and aerial mapping equipment along with a number of vintage cars. The museum is no longer open to the public and the group were given a personal guided tour that was enjoyed by all.
Before the tour, the group enjoyed lunch and with more new members joining, the attention was once again drawn to the map of Cornwall that is now steadily filling up with their Cornish connections. A newsletter from the NZ Cornish President was also handed out to those attending.
Dennis reading from his Great Grandfather's diaries
Taranaki Branch - 15 April 2023
Branch member Dennis Simpson shared with members his Great Grandfather's diaries as the 1st Harbour Master at Port Taranaki.
Covering topics such as the history of the establishment, shipwrecks in the Taranaki region and a copy of the address given by the current harbour master.
The talk was enjoyed by all and generated a lot of discussion.
Pictured below a selection of memorabilia brought along to share with members.
A very attentive audience
Christchurch Branch 8 April 2023
The members enjoyed watching the latest Fishermen's Friends film "One and All " at their monthly meeting. A short break was taken to enjoy afternoon tea and then continued with the remainder of the film. Feedback from the branch - a great success.
What better audience could you have than a Cornish Association
Cornish Gathering in Hawkes Bay - 24 March 2023
Through our website and face book presence we are attracting several new national members. Two new members, Paddy and Richard who have recently joined in the Hawkes Bay were keen to get a regular “Cornish gathering” organised. Here pictured is the lunch that took place on 24th March with 11 people attending. A welcome newsletter from the NZ Cornish Association President was given to each attendee along with a map of Cornwall and this proved to be good starting point to get the conversation flowing. Further meetings/outings are being planned to take place every 6 weeks. If this is something you may be interested in, please email our National Secretary and he will pass on your details. Contact details can be found on our "New Zealand" page.
Les unwrapping his gift of a beautiful Cornish Engine house, under the watchful eye of Christchurch Association President Jeanette and his sister Heather. Heather is also a Cornish Bard and is wearing her Bardic robes.
Christchurch Branch AGM – 11 March 2023
After 53 Years of being branch secretary at the Christchurch Cornish Association, Les Mitchell has decided to call it a day and pass on the baton.
Les took over the role back in 1970 when secretary at the time, Mrs Blake, stood down due to ill health. His association with the branch goes back much further as a member, along with his late mother and his sister Heather who is still an active member.
Les was recognized by the Gorsedh Kernow for his promotion of Cornwall in New Zealand and in 2009 joined the ranks of Cornish Bards from around the world.
Although standing down as secretary, he is still keen to take an active role in the branch and has joined the committee where his input will be greatly valued.
Dorothy reading a poem that she had written specially for the occasion.
Les with his wife Lynda who was presented with a bouquet of flowers for her support given over the years.
Les also received a number of cards and a special cake for him to cut, along with a very nice afternoon tea to enjoy with branch members.
Christchurch Branch -11 February 2023
Christchurch branch held their first meeting of 2023 with a gathering of 15 people.
There were the usual news updates from Cornwall, the monthly NZ president message and Heather leading the singing with the Cornish song of the month "Cornwall My Home" by Harry Glasson. A great favourite with Cornish choirs.
Joyce and Les treated everyone to a couple of Cornish ghost stories and this provoked some discussion and stories by members of their own experiences.
The meeting finished with the usual delicious afternoon tea.
Some of the audience listening intently
Taranaki Christmas Lunch - 13 December 2022 at Cobb & Co, New Plymouth
An excellent assortment of raffle prizes, including a selection of goodies brought back from a recent visit to Cornwall by the association president.
Eighteen members of the Taranaki branch held their final meeting of 2022 with a Christmas lunch at Cobb & Co in New Plymouth. They are pictured here holding their copy of the NZ 60th Anniversary booklet. The booklet was presented to each member as a gift from the National Association. According to branch secretary, Carol Cowling, "everyone was thrilled with the booklet and some members have asked for extra copies"
Christchurch branch, Christmas meeting 3 December 2022
This year's production by committee members was an adaptation of "The Green Man", a well-known character from traditional folk culture.
Staring Les as “The Green Man”
Standing in for Father Christmas this year and assisted by Green Woman, Green Man then presented a small gift of a chocolate bar and a copy of the just released history of the New Zealand Cornish Association 1962 - 2022 booklet to members.
Dorothy and Jennie as the narrators
Dorothy cutting the Christmas cake
Adrienne & Jennie our wonderful tea ladies.
More entertainment was provided by Celia’s word game, provoking much sighing and head scratching.
Heather and Nadine lead the singing with some well-known carols including the "Sans Day carol" and finishing with "While Shepherd Watched" to the tune Lyngham. This is the traditional tune sung at Cornish Christmas celebrations.
Click on the link to hear the Port Isaac Fisherman's Friends sing "While Shepherds Watch" to the tune "Lyngham" in the Chapter House of Wells Cathedral - Link
Pictures from the November 2021 Christchurch Meeting - The theme for the meeting "The Enjoyment of Books"
Guest speaker, Renee Blackburn from the “Book Discussion Scheme”
Our masked crusaders!!
Keeping with the theme of books. The members watched a video book review by Simon Savage. These books were chosen by the Duchess of Cornwall for season one of her "Duchess of Cornwall's Reading Room.
Jennie delivering the prepacked teas
Links to further information on the Reading Room
Pictures from the August 2021 Christchurch Meeting - the meeting had an island theme
Long standing members David and Olwyn King cut a cake on the double occasion of Olwyn’s birthday and their 70th wedding anniversary
Guest speaker, Bert Walker, gave a talk about a holiday in the Chatham Islands.
We couldn’t let the occasion go by without reminding everyone about our beautiful islands off the coast of Cornwall – The Isles of Scilly. A video followed Julia Bradbury on a 5-mile circular walk of St Martin’s, before island-hopping to Tresco..
Heather leads the members in the song "The Sweet Nightingale" adding to the collection of Cornish songs that the members have been learning and enjoying each month.
Isles of Scilly themed table decorations
The Isles of Scilly from the air
Pictures from the May Bi Annual AGM Held in Christchurch 2021
Pasty lunch is always a favorite with the members
Musical Entertainment
A wonderful display of Cornish Bards past and present associated with the Christchurch branch
The AGM makes a start with Heather acknowledging Nick Bartle (the national secretary) as the latest association member to be honored in the list of Cornish Bards for 2018
As its May month it must be Helston Flora!! – With music provided by Heather and friends. Some of the more energetic members had a go at the Furry Dance
Our three current bards (L to R):
Heather Mitchell-Gladstone - KERNEWES ILOWEK
Nick Bartle - DEN AN SOTH
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